Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs


Do you have a dog that gets upset when left home alone? 

Maybe you’ve had neighbors complain of incessant barking or have arrived home to discover damage caused by your dog?

If this sounds familiar, your dog may be experiencing separation anxiety. 


What is separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a panic disorder.  It’s the equivalent to phobias in humans.  In this case, the dog’s phobia is being left home alone. 


The most obvious signs of separation anxiety include:

  • Incessant barking or howling

  • Whining or crying

  • Destruction in the home, often centered around exit points such as doorways, doors, and flooring

  • Escape attempts, sometimes to the point of self-harm

  • Bathroom accidents in an otherwise housetrained dog

There are also less obvious signs of separation anxiety which can include:

  • Panting at times when the dog is not hot or thirsty

  • Repeated yawning when the dog likely isn’t tired

  • Pacing or an inability to settle

  • Drooling

  • Trembling/shaking

  • Hiding

  • Ears that become pinned back

  • Tucked tail

  • Repeated lip licking when there is no food nearby

  • Wide eyes (aka whale eyes)

  • Hyper-vigilance – quickly moving head around in multiple directions

If you suspect your dog may be experiencing separation anxiety, we suggest setting up a puppy cam or laptop to see how your dog acts when they are left home alone.  If you witness any of the above symptoms, we recommend setting up a consultation with a separation anxiety specialist to officially rule in or rule out separation anxiety.  Together, we can help your dog overcome their fears.

To learn more about separation anxiety in dogs visit our main page here.



Cameras for Separation Anxiety Training


How Much Time to Set Aside for Dog Separation Anxiety Training