How Much Time to Set Aside for Dog Separation Anxiety Training


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of working on separation anxiety training with your dog? Not sure where to start? Worry no more. With Everdog's guidance and support, you will receive daily separation anxiety training plans broken down into small, manageable exercises.


How much time to set aside for separation anxiety training:

  • Training sessions take place with your dog 4-5x per week.

  • Rest days occur 2-3x per week, depending on the client's preference.

  • Set aside roughly 30 minutes per training day to complete the exercises.


How separation anxiety training for dogs works:

  • Four of the five training sessions per week are worked on independently. Meaning, the dog and its guardian work on training without trainer supervision. The client then enters daily session notes into a Google Doc for the trainer to review. Upon review, the trainer will push out the following days' exercises.

  • One training session per week includes the trainer overseeing the daily exercise to observe and give live feedback. We also discuss training topics like alone-time management, dog body language, and how to increase the amount of alone-time your dog receives.

  • All sessions held with the dog trainer are virtual.


How long people choose to work with separation anxiety specialists is an individual decision. Ultimately, it depends on the client's end goal. Some people may only want to quickly run out and leave their dog alone while they grab a coffee, and others will need to be able to leave their dog for up to several hours while they go to work.


Our goal at Everdog is to give you the tools you need to help your dog succeed at feeling safe and comfortable when left alone. To learn more about separation anxiety in dogs, visit our main page here.



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